When we reply that Portuguese cuisine is not the same as Spanish cuisine and that it is much more than simply Port and “bacalhau”, we are bound to get asked “then, what its Portuguese cuisine?”. Instead of replying with a flurry of different dishes and describing where things come from we are, without fail, left speechless as our brain gets immediately overloaded with images, flavors and smells of different types of Portuguese foods. Let’s get digging in and finding out what Portuguese food is really about?!
Portuguese food is not (only) Mediterranean cuisine, but Atlantic, African, Asian and Brazilian cuisine. This comes from Portugal’s History of which also a bit of the World’s History. Starting with a Mediterranean base that has its roots in the trio bread, wine and olive oil, complemented by soups, fruit, pork meat and fish, the Portuguese cuisine also include ingredients that came from the Maritime Discoveries like beans and potatoes, Indian spices or “malagueta” also known as chilli or “periperi” from Africa. Read the full article here.